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The language / German-Catalan Association


The aims of the German-Catalan Association (Deutscher Katalanistenverband e. V.) are to represent and stimulate Catalan studies in a scientific manner in German-speaking territory through various activities in the fields of language, literature and culture.

  • To organise conferences and talks on Catalan studies, especially the German-Catalan Colloquium, held at least every two years.
  • To publish and promote scientific publications and the bulletin Notícies de l'Associació Germano-Catalana [German-Catalan Association News], about the Association’s activities and Catalan studies in the German-speaking and international setting. 
  • To promote scientific projects and new generations of researchers through the annual award of the Rudolf Brummer grant for Catalan studies for researchers in Germany, and through the Premi Brigitte Schlieben-Lange de Catalanística [Brigitte Schlieben-Lange Catalan Studies Prize] for a particularly outstanding university end-of-course paper.
  • To promote interdisciplinary cooperation, especially with other Romance-language associations in German-speaking territories.
  • To cooperate with Catalan scholars and students, institutions and associations in German-speaking territories and around the world.

The German-Catalan Association (Deutscher Katalanistenverband e. V., or DKV) began as the Deutsch-Katalanische Gesellschaft (DKG). The DKG met for the first time on 15 October 1983 in Karlsruhe, before its founding meeting on 17 November 1987 in Frankfurt am Main. In February 1992 the DKG was awarded the Premi Internacional Ramon Llull  [Ramon Llull International Prize]. In September 1994 it was responsible for the organisation of the 10th International Gathering of the Associació Internacional de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes [International Catalan Language and Literature Association] (AILLC) in Frankfurt am Main. From 1988 until 1996, the DKG coordinated the Katalanische Kulturbüro / Oficina Catalana [Catalan Cultural Office] in Frankfurt am Main. Given the need to return to its original structures and aims as a Romance-language association, the members decided in an assembly to duly change the name of the association to Deutscher Katalanistenverband e.V. on 2 October 1997 in Jena. The current president is Prof. Dr. Johannes Kabatek, of the University of Tübingen.

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität
Romanisches Seminar
Bispinghof 3A,
D-48143 Münster (Westfalen)
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