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Programme  Print

Literary programme. Literaturhaus


Place: Literaturhaus
City: Frankfurt
Date:10-10-2007 - 10-10-2007
Time: 17.30h.   -   20.30h.

Writers List

17:30 G�nter Grass. The byways of l'Empord�: a homage to Catalonia.
Ten lithographs printed from the original sketches that G�nter Grass made in l'Empord� are exhibited in the Literaturhaus. A farmhouse in P�bol, the Madremanya church, the rugged forms of Cap de Creus& all illustrate the very beautiful and personal diary that Grass kept of the journey he made to l'Empord� in March 2004. In this series Grass, the writer, speaks not through the power of his words but through his images, of an Empord� that is both coarse and lyrical, the sketches in black and white reflecting both the German artistic tradition and the writer's admiration for Goya. The opening of the exhibition will feature a discussion between the authors Jaume Cabr� and Biel Mesquida, and the publisher Hans Meinke. Refreshments will be served.
Inauguration of the exhibition, and discussion with Jaume Cabr� and Biel Mesquida
Hans Meinke

19:30 Mar i muntanya (Sea and Mountains), a Catalan classic
Readings from Solitud by V�ctor Catal� and Privatsachen by Josep Maria de Sagarra
In the early 20th century, Catalan society was riven by confl icts arising out of the industrial age, with great contrasts between Barcelona and the rural world. We offer a glimpse of these troubled times with readings from two of the great classics, recently translated into German: Vida privada, by Josep Maria de Sagarra, which portrays both the Barcelona high society and the city's teeming underbelly, with irony, style and a provocative spirit; and Solitud, by V�ctor Catal� (pseudonym of Caterina Albert i Parad�s), who crafted a vivid symbolic correlation between the Pyrenean mountains and the strength and resoluteness of her characters.
Presented by
Thomas Br�ckner
Eva Mattes, Ilja Richter

20:30 Poetry Night
Tribute to Salvador Espriu

Salvador Espriu (1913-1985), poet, narrator and dramatist, is an essential figure in any understanding of contemporary Catalan literature. He lived through the Franco dictatorship in internal exile, devoting himself to literary creation. His work displays a profound civic and political consciousness and is rooted in Jewish mysticism, and in Greek and Egyptian mythologies, traditions that Espriu synthesised into a unique poetic voice. To mark the publication of the German translation of his complete works of poetry, the first of the Poetry Nights at the Literaturhaus is a celebration of his life and work, with five poets from different generations paying tribute to him.
Carles Duarte, Narc�s Comadira, Manuel Forcano, Montserrat Rod�s, M�rius Sampere
Presented by
Thomas Br�ckner
Birgitta Assheuer

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